• Yes we do!
• We’ll need to see a valid student card.
• Scan or take a photo of your student card, then email this across to us on our info email address (as seen on our contact page).
• We will then reply with a discount coupon code which you can use in our online shop for the duration of you studies.
• We can offer between 8% – 12% dependant upon what you’re purchasing and quantity. Please call or email for details.
• Not through the shop, but if you’re buying 15 + films including processing and scanning we can discount this for you.
• Please get in touch and we’ll send an invoice including discount.
• With bulk archival jobs over 1500 foot we can offer discounts. Please get in touch to see what we can offer.
You save on multiple shipping costs to and from labs and other suppliers, plus overall you’ll save around £10 per film on our advertised cost if you did each stage separately.